

While all attempts are made to insure the correctness and suitability of information under the control of the North Carolina Local Government Debt Setoff Clearinghouse and to correct any errors brought to our attention, no representation or guarantee can be made as to the correctness or suitability of that information or any linked information presented, referenced, or implied. All critical information should be independently verified.


The North Carolina Local Government Debt Setoff Clearinghouse collectively referred to in this Privacy Statement as "we" or "The Clearinghouse" recognize the importance of protecting the privacy of all information provided by the participating local governments.  We only share information with two entities: 1) the North Carolina Department of Revenue; 2) the North Carolina Education Lottery. There is no sharing of data or information with the Unites States government Internal Revenue Service (I.R.S.). We do not setoff federal tax refunds or stimulus checks.

We created this policy with a fundamental respect for our customers' right to privacy and to guide our relationships with our customers. This Privacy Statement discloses the privacy practices for all services performed by the Clearinghouse.